This website was designed to promote the recently published novel,
The Strange and Beautiful Sorrows of Ava Lavender. The intended client is the publishing company, Candlewick Press.
The website is intended to capture the overall mood of the book as portrayed by the cover illustration. It will introduce the book and the author, and provide additional information such as reviews and events. The website tone and functionality should also be appropriate for the book’s young adult audience.
The main elements of the website were stylized to coordinate with the ornate feather illustrated on the original book cover. The storyline features three female protagonists over three generations who work in their family-owned bakery. For this reason, a bakery setting was chosen as the backdrop and main theme of the website. While the tone is whimsical, the functionality was designed to be simple. The user can scroll horizontally through all the pages of the site, in addition to the top navigation bar.