
The purpose of this project is to bring awareness to the health issues caused by excessive sedentary behavior, specifically, sitting for most of the day. Recent studies have found that regular physical inactivity increases the chance of death from cardiovascular issues, cancer, and cause conditions like Type 2 diabetes. The hope is that by providing viewers with this information, the visual communication will lead them to make changes in their daily lives if they are at risk.


In order to communicate the material in an engaging way, an infographic was created that the user could interact with by clicking various body parts and viewing the associated health risk. As a prototype for the purpose of this project, the infographic is in the form of an interactive PDF. The overall tone of the infographic was intended to be light and inviting, to balance the serious subject matter of the information.
Click to enlarge Click to enlarge

As the user hovers over the illustration of the woman, an X-Ray like image will replace the original. From here, each interactive body part will glow when hovered over. When clicked, a text box will appear with information coordinating to that body part.