
A Masquerade is a costume provider located Bellevue, WA, that specializes in renting theatre-grade and vintage costumes. Their vast rental costume inventory covers every conceivable theme and every major historical era. For purchase, they offer some specialty, high quality costumes, as well as a selection of cheaper, factory-produced items. As the name suggests, a large variety of artisan-made masks can also be found on their website pre-fabricated or made to order.


The re-design of the website for A Masquerade will streamline the navigation for better ease of use, improve the method of showcasing product, and provide overall consistency in theme. Currently, the site is inundated with small text and the product catalog is cumbersome to navigate. The new website will feature larger pictures with consise text to increase focus on the product details. A sort feature will be added to the product catalog to allow for better organization and make browsing easier.



Final Landing Design